Brad Pitt wins domain name case An arbitrator with the National Arbitration Forum has awarded the domain name to Brad Pitt.The actor submitted a complaint to the National Arbitration Forum a while ago asserting legal rights over the disputed domain name.
Brad Pitt an internationally famous actor holds common law rights in the "Brad Pitt" mark.Therefore,he contended that the disputed domain name is confusingly similar to its trademark.
Moreover,he contended that the respondent registered and used the disputed domain name in bad faith. "Respondent’s domain name currently resolves to an inactive website with no original content. Complainant argues that Respondent’s failure to actively use this disputed domain name constitutes passive holding of the domain name and permits findings of bad faith registration and use."
The Panel ordered the disputed domain name be transferred from the respondent to the complainant.
來源 2010-12-19