■ 概述
「.bank」網域名稱(Domain Name,以下簡稱域名),為ICANN定義之新通用頂級網域(New Generic Top-Level Domain,簡稱New gTLD)一種,意指「銀行」。目前實際營運管理機構為fTLD Registry Services, LLC。
■ 申請資格
.bank:限從事銀行產業相關之法人申請。須提交政府機構核發之公司法人登記資料副本,以及商標、公司名稱或品牌名稱之使用證明。申請之域名必須必須與商標、公司名稱或品牌名稱,三者之一致或部份相同。.bank之解析必須使用DNSSEC與.bank DNS主機。.bank之註冊必須進行下述驗證流程,經驗證通過,方完成註冊。
1. 文件驗證
(1) 聯繫人須持有申請人之授權證明,聯繫人須提交電話、EMAIL等聯繫資料,以確保驗證單位得聯繫到聯繫人,驗證成功會發送憑證至聯絡人EMAIL。
(2) 由管理局進行文件驗證,驗證項目有公司名稱、管轄單位、 擬申請之域名與其佐證資料。
2. 技術審核
(1) DNS主機必須是.bank。
(2) 必須使用DNSSEC機制。
(3) 如無法使用上述二技術,仍得申請.bank,惟不能解析使用該域名。
1. 請務必詳閱申請人協議。
2. 有關申請資格,申請人義務,域名字詞命名要求與驗證過程之詳細資訊,請參見管理局網站https://www.ftld.com/policies/。請務必詳閱。
3. 域名申請成功後,管理局將每年進行一次驗證。
4. 申請.bank必須購買域名鎖,域名申請成功後,域名基本資料如需異動,包括:地址、電話、聯絡人等資料異動,須重新進行驗證。
5. 於2023/1/1實施新版合規升級及暫停政策,期限內未解決合規調查恐將導致暫停解析。管理局相關政策說明
■ 申請字元、多語系規則
- 最少1個字,最多63個字。
- 英文字母(a - z)、數字(0 - 9),以及連結號( - )之組合。
- 禁止使用連結號為域名之起始與結束。
- 禁止於第三、第四位元同時使用連結號。
- 禁止申請管理局保留字。
■ 年限
■ 續用、凍結、贖回、刪除
1. 續用時點:域名到期前,隨時可進行續用。
2. 費用:詳見價格表。
1. 凍結期間:40天。
2. 費用:此期間如需續用域名,以原續用價格計算,詳見價格表。
3. 說明:如域名到期前未續用,域名相關服務終止,且到期日後第8天,該域名會指向Parking網頁(非廣告頁面),直到該域名刪除為止。
1. 贖回期間:25天。
2. 費用:此期間如需續用域名,除支付續用年費外,須另支付贖回行政規費,總費用詳見價格表。
1. 預計於贖回期後進行刪除,惟管理局確切刪除時點無法預知。
2. 域名刪除後,該域名即開放重新申請。
1. 為配合管理局行政作業流程、政策變動與全球時差,請依上述規定時間,提早辦理域名續用。網路中文得視域名生命週期,將域名指向Parking網頁,以為提醒之用。域名Parking期間,DNS解析功能與信箱功能均會停止。
2. 因故無法於上述時間內完成續用者,網路中文仍得協助遞件續用。惟,因此致生之相關損失與費用,網路中文概不負責。
3. 如域名逾期、未如期完成續用者,將面臨DNS停止解析(即網站無法使用)、域名遭刪除、高價贖回等風險。
4. 續用完成與否,以網路中文實際收到續用費用為計。
■ 轉入續用流程
一、轉入步驟(轉入網路中文):詳見 常見問題。
1. 域名註冊後未滿60天。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名狀態為禁止移轉(Client Transfer Prohibited)或不正常。
4. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序中。
5. 原註冊商具有正當理由拒絕移轉。
6. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
1. 移轉碼(Auth Code/EPP Key)效力具有時間限制,取得後請盡快辦理相關業務。
2. 少數管理局非使用移轉碼(Auth Code/EPP Key)移轉註冊商,屬特殊移轉流程,請洽網路中文。
■ 轉出流程
1. 域名註冊後未滿60天。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名狀態為禁止移轉(Client Transfer Prohibited)或不正常。
4. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序中。
5. 原註冊商具有正當理由拒絕移轉。
6. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
1. 移轉碼(Auth Code)效力具有時間限制,取得後請盡快辦理相關業務。
2. 如管理帳戶內無法點選域名轉出,請洽網路中文。
3. 少數管理局非使用移轉碼(Auth Code)移轉註冊商,屬特殊轉出流程,請洽網路中文。
4. 如該域名確定自網路中文轉出,網路中文將不再擔負該域名聯繫、管理之責,請見諒。
二,權利轉讓步驟:詳見 常見問題。
1. 如域名申請具資格限制,受讓人亦須符合該資格限制。
2. 如域名申請具資格限制,且須繳驗證件者,須備妥受讓人符合該資格之相關資料,相關資料請參域名申請資格。
1. 域名狀態非屬正常。
3. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
2. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序。
4. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
■ 資料修改流程
一、資料修改步驟:詳見 常見問題。
1. 域名狀態非屬正常。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序。
4. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
■ 爭議
- 網路中文不負責判斷網域名稱之使用是否侵害第三者權益,不介入申請人與第三者之法律訴訟,亦不擔任紛爭調解人。
- 網域名稱如有侵害第三者權益之情事(包括但不限於關於商標、服務標章、商號名稱等之侵害),申請人須負擔網域名稱申請相關受理單位之一切損失(包括名譽損害、人員勞力耗損費用、以及相關訴訟費用等),並代為防禦抗辯。
- 網路中文得依爭議處理機構之決定書、法院判決通知或其他具法律效力之和解書,進行網域名稱之權利移轉,或撤消其網域名稱。
- 統一網域名稱爭議解決政策(Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy,簡稱UDRP)
- 統一網域名稱爭議解決政策規則(Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy)
- 統一快速暫停機制(Uniform Repid Suspension,簡稱URS)
- 世界財產權組織(World Intellectual Property Organization,簡稱WIPO)
- 亞洲網域名稱爭議處理中心(Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center,簡稱ADNDRC)
- 香港秘書處(Hong Kong Office)
- 北京秘書處(Beijing Office)
- 首爾秘書處(Seoul Office)
- 吉隆坡秘書處(Kuala Lumpur Office)
- 替代性紛爭解決論壇(Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum,簡稱ADR Forum)
- 歐盟替代性紛爭解決機構(Alternative Disputr Resolution .eu,簡稱ADR.eu)
- 阿拉伯爭議解決中心(Arab Center for Dispute Resolution,簡稱ACDR)
■ .BANK Registration Agreement
The Registry Operator, fTLD Registry Services, LLC, imposes certain conditions of .BANK.
As set out in our Terms and Conditions, by placing an order with us, you unconditionally agree to be bound by these conditions as follows (in the paragraphs below, "Registered Name Holder" means the registrant of a .bank domain name and "Registrar" means Net-Chinese Co., Ltd.):
Obligations of Registrar
- Registrar shall have an electronic or paper registration agreement with the Registered Name Holder. If amended, Registrar shall first provide to Registry Operator no less than 3 days in advance of its first use.
- Registrar shall not represent to anyone that Registrar enjoys access to any of the Registry Operator's Registry System that is superior to that of any other registrar accredited for the Registry TLD.
- Registrar shall ensure that appropriate national privacy law requirements are incorporated into the Registration Agreement and the Registrars’ business practice so that Registered Name Holder can, e.g., provide consent voluntarily and freely, have the ability to withdraw said consent, exercise the right to be forgotten, etc.
- Premium Registration Pricing Notification-Registrar shall clearly and conspicuously disclose in its Registration Agreement and on its .BANK Webpage, that non-standard domains have non-uniform registration and renewal pricing such that the Registration Fee for a non-standard domain name registration (e.g., domain names allocated through Request for Proposal or auction, single-characters, two-letters) may differ from the Registration Fee for a standard domain name registration in the TLD.
Obligations of Registered Name Holder
- Registered Name Holder shall acknowledge and agree that the Registry Operator reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any Registered Name registration or transaction, or place any Registered Name (s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion: (i) to comply with specifications adopted by any industry group generally recognized as authorit Registrar shall ensure that appropriate national privacy law requirements are incorporated into the Registration Agreement and the Registrars’ business practice ative with respect to the Internet (e.g., RFCs), (ii) to correct mistakes made by Registry Operator or any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration, or (iii) for the non-payment of Fees to Registry Operator.
- Registered Name Holder is prohibited from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law. Registrar may take appropriate and lawful steps in the case of breach of this clause, including suspension of the relevant domain name(s).
Time of Entry Disputes
Registered Name Holder agrees that in the event of any dispute concerning the time of the entry of a Registered Name registration into the Registry System, the timestamp shown in the Registry System records shall control.
Policies and Procedures
- All applicable requirements and policies posted on Registry Operator’s website at https://www.ftld.com/policies.
- Registered Name Holder shall agree and comply with Registry Operator's policies and procedures, as they may be instituted or updated from time to time and published on the Registry Operator's website at https://www.ftld.com/policies/, including but not limited to:
-Acceptable Use / Anti-Abuse Policy
-Name Allocation Policy
-Name Selection Policy
-Policy Development Process Policy
-Privacy Policy
-Registrant Eligibility Policy
-Registration Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy
-Reserved Names Challenge Policy
-Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy
-Whois Access Policy
Registered Name Holder shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Registry Operator, Registry Service Provider, Registry Verification Agent, and other contractually obligated vendors, and in each case, their Affiliates, partners, subcontractors, subsidiaries, divisions, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, accountants, attorneys, insurers,agents, predecessors, successors, and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, losses, costs, expenses, causes of action, or other liabilities of any kind, whether known or unknown, including reasonable legal and attorney's fees and expenses, in any way arising out of, relating to, or otherwise in connection with, the Registered Name Holder's domain name registration. The Registration Agreement shall further require that this indemnification obligation of Registered Name Holder shall survive the termination or expiration of the Registration Agreement.
National, State, Local Law
Registered Name Holder shall comply with, any and all applicable national, state or local law, regulation or court order in relation to its operations and registrations of the Registry TLD.
Public Interest Commitments
Registered Name Holder shall comply with, all Public Interest Commitments (as set forth in Specification 11 to the Registry Agreement, as amended from time-to-time) and community registration policies (as set forth in Specification 12 to the Registry Agreement, as amended from time-to-time).
Registered Name Holder shall comply with each of the following requirements:
a. ICANN standards policies, procedures, and practices for which Registry Operator has monitoring responsibility in accordance with the Registry Operator’s ICANN Registry Agreement or other arrangement with ICANN.
b. Registry Operator’s operational requirements, including those set forth on Registry Operator's website at https://www.ftld.com/resources, https://www.ftld.com/faq-registrar, https://www.ftld.com/faq-dotbank and https://www.ftld.com/faq-dotinsurance as amended from time-to-time.
c. Registry Operator's Security Requirements as set forth on the Registry Operator's website at https://www.ftld.com/security, as amended from time-to-time.
d. Registered Name Holder may not use privacy or proxy registration services in registering or maintaining domain name registrations with .BANK. For more information, please visit https://www.ftld.com/security/
e. Registrant shall take all necessary action(s) as directed by Registrar or Registry Operator in relation to compliance actions, directives, or instructions from ICANN, and/or as otherwise directed by Registry Operator in its sole discretion as being reasonably necessary for the provision of Registry Services, and enforcing compliance with Registry Operator’s Operational and Security Requirements and Operations Pledge, including monitoring for compliance regarding the Registered Name.
If Registered Name Holder have would like to contact with Registrar, please find the information below.
Primary contact: Vicky Tu
Email: service@net-chinese.com.tw
Address: 12F., No.46, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
■ 注意事項