■ 概述
「HK」網域名稱(Domain Name,以下簡稱域名),為ICANN定義之國碼頂級網域(Country Code Top-Level Domain,簡稱ccTLD)一種。依國際標準ISO3166-1,代表「香港」,目前實際營運管理機構為香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(Hong Kong Internet Registration Company Limited,簡稱HKIRC),負責行政、編配工作,與其全資附屬機構香港域名註冊有限公司(Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited,簡稱HKDNR)負責註冊、管理工作。
■ 申請資格
五、須遵守ICANN與管理局規定之域名註冊人權利與義務。限依法於香港特別行政區設立登記之電信業者申請。須提交香港特別行政區政府通訊事務管理局辦公室核發之PNETS(IVANS/ISP)登記證副本、PNETS 固有電訊網絡服務(FTNS)固有電信業務運營商登記證副本,或服務營辦商第三類登記證(SBO牌照)副本。
■ 申請字元、多語系規則
1. .hk、、、、英文
2. .香港、.公司.香港: 中文
1. 英文字元規定
- 最少3個字,最多63個字。
- 英文字母(a - z)、數字(0 - 9),以及連結號( - )之組合。
- 禁止使用連結號為域名之起始與結束。
- 禁止於第三、第四位元同時使用連結號。
- 禁止申請管理局保留字。
2. 正體/簡體中文字元規定(限UTF8字碼)
- 最少1個字,轉成Punycode後最多63個字。
- 中文、數字(0 - 9),以及連結號( - )之組合。
- 禁止使用連結號為域名之起始與結束。
- 禁止於第三、第四位元同時使用連結號。
- 禁止申請管理局保留字。
- 至少包含一個中文字。
- 禁止正體中文、簡體中文混合使用,即域名須全由正體中文,或全由簡體中文組成。
- 正體中文域名與簡體中文域名互為保留,惟僅能使用該購買之域名(意即申請其中一種中文語系,另一中文語系將被管理局鎖定,不再開放申請)。
■ 年限
■ 續用、凍結、贖回、刪除
1. 續用時點:域名到期前,隨時可進行續用。
2. 費用:詳見價格表。
1. 凍結期間:28天。
2. 費用:此期間如需續用域名,以原續用價格計算,詳見價格表。
3. 說明:如域名到期前未續用,域名相關服務終止,且到期日後第8天,該域名會指向Parking網頁(非廣告頁面),直到該域名刪除為止。
1. 贖回期間:55天。
2. 費用:此期間如需續用域名,除支付續用年費外,須另支付贖回行政規費,詳見價格表。
1. 預計於贖回期後進行刪除,惟管理局確切刪除時點無法預知。
2. 域名刪除後,該域名即開放重新申請。
1. 為配合管理局行政作業流程、政策變動與全球時差,請依上述規定時間,提早辦理域名續用。
2. 因故無法於上述時間內完成續用者,網路中文仍得協助遞件續用。惟,因此致生之相關損失與費用,網路中文概不負責。
3. 如域名逾期、未如期完成續用者,將面臨DNS停止解析(即網站無法使用)、域名遭刪除、高價贖回等風險。
4. 續用完成與否,以網路中文實際收到續用費用為計。
■ 轉入續用流程
一、轉入步驟(轉入網路中文):詳見 常見問題。
1. 域名註冊後未滿60天。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名狀態為禁止移轉(Client Transfer Prohibited)或不正常。
4. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序中。
5. 原註冊商具有正當理由拒絕移轉。
6. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
1. 移轉碼(Auth Code/EPP Key)效力具有時間限制,取得後請盡快辦理相關業務。
2. 少數管理局非使用移轉碼(Auth Code/EPP Key)移轉註冊商,屬特殊移轉流程,請洽網路中文。
■ 轉出流程
1. 域名註冊後未滿60天。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名狀態為禁止移轉(Client Transfer Prohibited)或不正常。
4. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序中。
5. 原註冊商具有正當理由拒絕移轉。
6. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
1. 移轉碼(Auth Code)效力具有時間限制,取得後請盡快辦理相關業務。
2. 如管理帳戶內無法點選域名轉出,請洽網路中文。
3. 少數管理局非使用移轉碼(Auth Code)移轉註冊商,屬特殊轉出流程,請洽網路中文。
4. 如該域名確定自網路中文轉出,網路中文將不再擔負該域名聯繫、管理之責,請見諒。
二,權利轉讓步驟:詳見 常見問題。
1. 如域名申請具資格限制,受讓人亦須符合該資格限制。
2. 如域名申請具資格限制,且須繳驗證件者,須備妥受讓人符合該資格之相關資料,相關資料請參域名申請資格。
1. 域名狀態非屬正常。
3. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
2. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序。
4. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
■ 資料修改流程
一、資料修改步驟:詳見 常見問題。
1. 域名狀態非屬正常。
2. 域名過期未繳費,處於凍結期。
3. 域名已進入爭議或法律程序。
4. 違反該域名管理局之相關規定。
■ 爭議
- 網路中文不負責判斷網域名稱之使用是否侵害第三者權益,不介入申請人與第三者之法律訴訟,亦不擔任紛爭調解人。
- 網域名稱如有侵害第三者權益之情事(包括但不限於關於商標、服務標章、商號名稱等之侵害),申請人須負擔網域名稱申請相關受理單位之一切損失(包括名譽損害、人員勞力耗損費用、以及相關訴訟費用等),並代為防禦抗辯。
- 網路中文得依爭議處理機構之決定書、法院判決通知或其他具法律效力之和解書,進行網域名稱之權利移轉,或撤消其網域名稱。
如有任何對 Net Chinese Co., Ltd.的意見或投訴, 閣下可考慮聯絡 HKIRC 協助 (網址, 電郵: 。
- 域名爭議解決政策
- 香港國際仲裁中心補充規則
- 香港國際仲裁中心(Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre,簡稱HKIAC)
Important Note: This document sets out the minimum terms and conditions to be contained in a Registration Agreement between the Registrar and a Registrant. It does not purport to be, and is not, a comprehensive Registration Agreement.
The Registration Agreement must contain the following minimum terms and conditions:
1.1 The Registrant shall at all times comply with all prevailing requirements prescribed by HKIRC in connection with any of the .hk domain name (the “Domain Name”), and shall only request the Registrar Services in the form and manner prescribed by HKIRC from time to time.
1.2 In registering a Domain Name, the Registrant acknowledges and agrees that neither HKIRC nor Net Chinese Co., Ltd. (the “Registrar”) has made any determination with respect to the legality of the Domain Name registration or its use.
1.3 The Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the Registrar shall monitor the status of Domain Names registered through the Registrar and shall, at its own initiative or on receipt of complaint, conduct checks to verify whether a Domain Name is being used in connection with phishing or "spam" advertising. The Registrar shall delete or suspend a Domain Name if so directed by HKIRC. HKIRC may issue such a direction on receipt of any notice from any government or law enforcement authority (including without limitation the Hong Kong Police Force or the Office of Telecommunications Authority) that the use of the Domain Name is in breach of any laws, directives, guidelines, codes of practice or regulations issued by such local authorities, or if, in HKIRC's reasonable belief, the continuation of registration of the Domain Name or the operation of web site referenced by the Domain Name is likely to damage or adversely affect the goodwill, reputation and operation of HKIRC or the domain name industry in Hong Kong, or may expose HKIRC to risks of third party claims or civil or criminal prosecution.
2.1 The Registrant acknowledges, agrees and has granted consent to HKIRC that HKIRC is entitled to publicly disclose to third parties all personal data and information relating to the registered Domain Name in order to enable HKIRC to maintain a public WHOIS service, provided that such disclosure is consistent with:
(a) the Applicable Data Protection Law;
(b) the Published Policies; and
(c) this Registration Agreement.
2.2 The Registrant grants to the Registrar the right to disclose to the HKIRC all information which is reasonably required by HKIRC in order to enter the Domain Name into the Registry Server.
3.1 The Registrar shall not prevent a Registrant from changing the registrar of record, except in accordance with the Registration Policies.
3.2 The Registrar shall ensure that the Registrant can easily transfer registered Domain Names to another registrar in accordance with the Published Policies.
3.3 In the event that:
3.3.1 the Registrar is no longer a registrar; or
3.3.2 the Registrar's HKIRC Accreditation is suspended or terminated; or
3.3.3 the Registrar Agreement is terminated by HKIRC,
the Registrar shall immediately give notice to its Registrants, and advise the Registrants that they should transfer the registered Domain Name to a new registrar.
3.4 In the event that the Registrar Agreement between HKIRC and the Registrar is terminated due to default or breach of the Registrar, the Registrar must not charge the Registrant any fee for the transfer of the registered Domain Name to another registrar. The Registrar shall take all necessary actions to preserve the rights of its Registrants.
3.5 If the Registrant of a Domain Name registered under Hong Kong Network Information Centre (“HKNIC”) Registration Agreement Version 1.x or 2.xx elects to change the Registrar from Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited (“HKDNR”) to another Registrar (“New Registrar”), the Registrant shall acknowledge and accept that the Domain Name registration will be subject to the terms and conditions of the then current registration agreement of the New Registrar. For the avoidance of doubt, if the Domain Name registration is under one of the above-mentioned agreements, the Contract Version field of the WHOIS result display for that Domain Name will display the word “Old”
3.6 The Registrant shall provide an authorization code ("Authorization Information") to a new registrar in order to initiate the change of registrar. The Registrar can request that HKIRC provide this Authorization Information by sending it to the Registrant's email address. The Registrar shall not, if requested to do so by a Registrant, refuse to make such a request of HKIRC.
3.7 In the event that the Registrar is no longer an HKIRC-Accredited registrar, the Domain Name held by a Registrant shall be transferred to another, HKIRC-Accredited registrar within a specified period of time. If the Registrant fails to elect a registrar and effect the transfer, HKIRC shall be entitled to transfer the Domain Name to registration with HKDNR, together with any personal data held by the Registrar in relation to that Registrant.
4.1 Throughout the Term of the Registration Agreement, the Registrant must:
4.1.1 comply with the Published Policies (including but not limited to the Registration Policies, Procedures and Guidelines, Acceptable Use Policy, Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Rules of Procedure and the Registration Agreement. The Published Policies can be found on the web site of HKIRC,;
4.1.2 give notice to HKIRC, through the Registrar, of any change to any information in the Registrant Data as soon as possible.
4.2 The Registrant shall not, directly or indirectly, through registration or use of its Domain Name or otherwise:
4.2.1 infringe or violate the legal rights of any third party; or
4.2.2 violate any applicable laws and regulations.
4.3 The Registrant acknowledges and agrees that HKIRC may collect registrant information for the purpose of HKIRC membership.
5.1 For any Domain Name registered with the Registrant that is challenged by a third party, the dispute will be handled according to the provisions of the Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy for .hk and .香港 Domain Names.
5.2 Any decision made by an arbitration panel duly appointed by a dispute resolution service provider shall be final and binding on the Registrant and the Registrant shall abide by such decision.
6.1 The Registrant warrants that it meets, and continues to meet, the eligibility criteria prescribed in HKIRC's Published Policies and this Registration Agreement for registering a Domain Name. In the event that the Registrant ceases to meet such eligibility criteria, the Domain Name registration may be terminated by either the Registrar or HKIRC.
6.2 By making an application for a Domain Name, the Registrant represents and warrants that:
(a) to the best of its knowledge and belief, the Domain Name that the Registrant is applying for will not infringe or otherwise violate the legal rights of any third party;
(b) the Registrant intends to use the Domain Name;
(c) the Registrant's use of the Domain Name shall be bona fide for the Registrant's
own benefit and shall be for lawful purposes;
(d) the Registrant will not knowingly use the Domain Name in violation of any applicable laws and regulations;
(e) all information the Registrant provides to the Registrar, including further additions or alterations to such information, is true, complete and accurate;
(f) in the event that the Registrant receives notification of any claim, action or demand arising out of or related to the registration or use of the Domain Name, the Registrant will immediately send the Registrar a written notice notifying the Registrar of such claim, action or demand.
The Registrant acknowledges that the Registrar and HKIRC rely on all representations made and warranties given by the Registrant in determining if the application for a Domain Name should be approved.
7. HKIRC Contact Registrants
7.1 The Registrant acknowledges that HKIRC may contact the Registrant in a number of situations including, but not limited to, inviting the Registrant to join HKIRC as a member; where there has been, or will be, a change in registrar, whether voluntarily or involuntarily on the part of the Registrant, due to termination of the Registrar; for the matters in relation to the administration and service of Domain Names; inviting the Registrant to take part in a customer satisfaction survey or other survey, and introducing seminars, conferences, training, and other news related to the Internet industry. If the Registrant does not want to receive unsolicited marketing or promotional emails, the Registrant can request that HKIRC remove the Registrant from the marketing or promotional email subscription list.
8.1 The Registrant shall indemnify and hold harmless HKIRC as the Registry from all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, legal expenses, professional and other expenses of any nature howsoever sustained, incurred, paid by or suffered by HKIRC which are directly or indirectly related to any claim, action, or demand arising out of or related to the registration or use of the Domain Name brought by the Registrant.
8.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this document and to the fullest extent permitted by law, HKIRC will not be liable to the Registrant for consequential, indirect or special losses or damages of any kind (including, without limitation, loss of profit, loss or corruption of data, business interruption or indirect costs) suffered by the Registrant as a result of any act or omission whatsoever of HKIRC and the Registrar, its employees, agents or sub-contractors (other than liability for death or personal injury arising on account of negligence on HKIRC's part).
8.3 Save only in respect of liability for death or personal injury arising on account of negligence on HKIRC's part, in no event shall HKIRC's maximum liability under these Registration Policies exceed 125% of the registration fees paid by the Registrar to HKIRC for the Registrant's Domain Name in respect of its period of registration.
■ 注意事項