
■ Registered Characters/Mutilingual Rules

1. IDN Supported Language:English, Chinese(traditional/simplified).

2. English Registration requirements:

  • Minimum length is 3 character, and maximum length is 63 characters.
  • The domain only can consist exclusively of the letters A-Z, the numbers 0 - 9, and hyphens.
  • Can only have two consecutive hyphens "--" in the 3rd and 4th positions.
  • It is banned to register the reserved words listed down by registry.

3. Traditional/Simplified Chinese Registration requirements:(UTF-8 only)

  • Punycode:Minimum length is 1 character, and maximum length is 63 characters.
  • The domain only can consist Chinese, the numbers 0 - 9, and hyphens.
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen.
  • Can only have two consecutive hyphens "--" in the 3rd and 4th positions.
  • Must contain at least one Chinese character.
  • It is banned to use both traditional and simplied Chinese in a domain name.
  • Chinese IDN can only choose either Traditional or Simplified Chinese characters in a domain name.
